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The Church has not shut down

Pastor Pete

MBC building’s doors may be closed, but we continue to function and operate, offering online and remote assistance. Our website is being continually updated so please keep referring to it.

As the impact of COVID-19 is being felt by everyone throughout our community, we are all searching for new and innovative ways of working, to help our community and those facing adversity - from the comfort of their own homes. As many organisations close their doors, schools close and public places deserted, many are forced to remain home and practice social distancing. With that, anxiety levels rise, fuses become shorter and frustration overrides as our routines are turned upside down. We know that this stressful time will pass, but in the meantime this virus will place additional stress on our families.

Please take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be patient and kind. There is no better time to be united, the stay strong and remain connected online, to help each other through this pandemic.

Our church leadership team is only a phone call away. Please call Pastor Pete or any of our Church Leadership Team if you need help. We are here to help. Don’t forget that you can use your mobile phone, iPad, your laptop or PC - on any device with a camera to connect via video calling, Facetime or Zoom.

God willing our Sunday church service will go ahead via Zoom1. An email will be sent out late in the week detailing how each household or individual can join together via Zoom to share, pray and be encouraged. The email will contain:

  • The date & time of the meeting

  • The link to click on, to join that meeting

  • The Meeting ID number

In the meantime please get your computer set-up so that your household can watch the screen. For instructions on how to do this please google “How does zoom work

There are a number of our church folk who do not have the ability to connect via Zoom. We are working hard on ways to keep them connected with our church family.

How does Zoom work?

Zoom is a web-based video conferencing tool that allows users to meet online, with or without video. Zoom users can choose to collaborate on projects, and share or annotate on one another's screens, all with one easy-to-use platform. A Zoom account is not required to attend a meeting. Pastor Pete has a Zoom account to host this meeting. ... Anyone can join a meeting using the Zoom mobile apps or desktop applications for Windows and Mac. You are not required to have a webcam to join a Zoom group video call. If you don’t have a webcam we won’t be able to see you but you will be able to watch the video Zoom call and view any screen sharing that occurs.

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